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Improving cycles quality & female fertility naturally

Updated: Mar 22, 2022

Welcome to the vast and exciting world of women’s cycles & fertility.

Did you know that the female body and its complex hormonal orchestration is a piece of art ! And that science & western medicine can not explain everything, because it is multifactorial, complex & connected to many (subtle) layers.

This article will help you answer the following questions:

  • What are the different phases of my cycles and how can I understand where I’m at?

  • FAM or Fertility Awareness Method, what is it and how does it work ?

  • How can I regulate my cycles at home and with alternative/holistic therapies?

  • How can I improve my fertility as a woman at home and with alternative/holistic therapies?

I tell you all about the things that you can do at home as well as the support that you can get from less known types of therapies such as Energy Healing, Coaching, Chinese Medicine (Acupuncture & Herbs), Fertility Massage and Family Constellations that have shown wonderful results.

1. Track your cycles - Fertility Awareness Method

5 years ago, I remember sitting with my holistic doctor because I wanted to stop being on the pill after 10 years, and this simple question she asked me : “So Marion, do you know how your cycles work?”, “ Are you aware of how long they last?”.

No and No.

I literally didn’t know much, other than that I had irregular periods which were hurting me a lot.

She recommended reading the book from Toni Weschler “ Taking Charge of your fertility”.

It opened up a whole new world for me.

Cycles 1 on 1.

A woman's cycle is made of 4 different phases:

  • Menstruation

  • Follicular

  • Ovulation

  • Luteal

4 phases of a woman cycle: Menstruation, Follicular, Ovulation, Luteal and the hormonal orchestration:  oestrogen, progesterone, Testosterone
4 phases of a woman cycle

Cycle’s length varies per woman.

Typically, a healthy cycle would last between 26 to 35 days, although it can be longer or shorter due to various reasons.

Ovulation usually happens 12 to 14 days before your periods come.

Note that this means that depending on your cycle length, your ovulation day varies.

It may also not happen.

So let’s debunk the myth that a normal cycle lasts for 28 days and that ovulation happens on day 14, as it simply isn’t the case for every woman.

Menstruations typically last 3 to 7 days. The amount of blood, the colour (light pink, crimson red, dark red, brown) and the texture (only liquid blood, some blood clots or a lot of blood clots) can give you a lot of information on the health of your cycle.

Throughout your cycle, your body is releasing some cervical mucus which corresponds to the different phases of the cycle.

  • Watery Mucus

  • Egg White Mucus

  • Creamy Mucus

  • Sticky Mucus

Throughout your cycle, your body is releasing some cervical mucus which corresponds to the different phases of the cycle.   Watery Mucus  Egg White Mucus  Creamy Mucus  Sticky Mucus
Fertility Awareness Method: 4 types of Vaginal discharges

Lastly, throughout your cycle, your body temperature, energy level and appetite fluctuate based on the different phase you’re in.

What is the fertility awareness method ?

It consists of tracking your cycles and observing 3 physical signs related to them:

  • Your basal body temperature

  • Your cervical mucus or discharge

  • Your cervix position

By doing so, you are able to know precisely in which phase you are, when is your ovulation coming and when are your periods coming.

A cycle starts on the first day of your period and finishes on the day before getting your next period.

Historically, the tracking was made on a piece of paper called charting paper.

Nowadays, many companies have created connected bluetooth thermometers with a companion app which allows you to do this in a much easier way.

Basal body temperature

For this you will need a dedicated double digit thermometer that you will put in your mouth.

Take your temperature first thing in the morning before getting up from bed. This is important because once you sit or stand up, your blood flow increases and raises your temperature level.

NB: It’s handy to keep your thermometer under your pillow or on your bedside table to easily reach it without too much movement

Cervical mucus or discharge

You may have noticed some white spots in your underwear before, with different textures and patterns but didn’t pay too much attention to them. Or you may have been disgusted by them wondering what they were.

Those discharges are actually really healthy and a sign that your body is functioning well.

You can identify them when you go to the toilets before peeing by putting your finger or by wiping with toilet paper.

Cervix position and opening

You may have noticed some white spots in your underwear before, with different textures and patterns but didn’t pay too much attention to them. Or you may have been disgusted by them wondering what they were.

Those discharges are actually really healthy and a sign that your body is functioning well.

You can identify them when you go to the toilets before peeing by putting your finger or by wiping with toilet paper.

You can look at the texture and consistency by trying to stretch it in between your thumb and index.

Cervix position and opening

Checking this sign is more challenging and optional.

If you get a clear understanding from the first 2 above, you may skip this one.

But if you get confusing signal, this 3rd check can help you validate where you are in your cycles.

You can assess your cervix position and opening by squatting and introducing your middle finger checking:

  • Softness (firm or soft)

  • Height in the vagina (low or high)

  • Opening (closed or open)

  • Wetness (nothing/sticky/creamy/eggwhite)

If it’s high open and soft, then it means you are ovulating.


A cycle starts on the first day of your period and lasts on average 25 to 35 days.

You can best predict ovulation when you start witnessing your egg white discharge. You would typically ovulate a few days after and notice a temperature rise on ovulation day.

You are fertile 6 days per cycle, 5 days before ovulation and the day of ovulation itself.

12 to 16 days after ovulation, your periods should come.

2. The 3 S’s: Sleep, Stress & Sports

The 3 S’s impact on our cycles and fertility is something we often underestimate.

The great news is : it’s something we have control on and making some adjustments here can really boost your fertility.


Getting enough sleep and of good quality is key to supporting your body's good functioning and hormonal balance.

Indeed, the part of the brain which regulates the sleep and wake hormones (melatonin & cortisol) also regulates the release of reproductive hormones.

Lack of sleep likely influences the release of LH hormones (luteinising hormones, the ones that trigger ovulation)

Tips for better sleep:

You should sleep 8h a night, ideally going to bed before 11pm, trying to keep your sleep routine consistent.

Try to ease yourself into sleep without a screen (phone outside the bedroom is always a good idea ;) )

Make sure that your room is dark and without light or blinkers stimulation (street lights, electronic devices lights, sockets lights..) as they disrupt the quality of your sleep.


We live in a fast- paced society, running from one thing to another, having our mind constantly stimulated and focused on solving problems.. We often do not realise that we have a baseline of long lasting stress in us.

When you encounter a perceived threat — such as a large dog barking at you during your morning walk — your hypothalamus, a tiny region at your brain's base, sets off an alarm system in your body. Through a combination of nerve and hormonal signals, this system prompts your adrenal glands, located atop your kidneys, to release a surge of hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol.

Adrenaline increases your heart rate, elevates your blood pressure and boosts energy supplies. Cortisol, the primary stress hormone, increases sugars (glucose) in the bloodstream, enhances your brain's use of glucose and increases the availability of substances that repair tissues.

Cortisol also restrains functions that would be nonessential or harmful in a fight-or-flight situation. It alters immune system responses and suppresses the digestive system, the reproductive system and growth processes. This complex natural alarm system also communicates with the brain regions that control mood, motivation and fear.

When cortisol, the stress hormone, is constantly present in our body, it prevents some of the body functionalities from working in their most optimal way.

Tips to reduce stress:

  • Mindfulness and connection to the present moment is key to be aware of your body and mind

  • Meditation 10min per day is a quick win. Meditation apps such as Calm or Headspace are easily accessible

  • 20min of gentle yoga stretches (HATHA or YIN YOGA) will ground you. Youtube is full of classes or short routines you can follow from home

  • Dry skin brushing supports your lymphatic system and detoxifies your skin by increasing blood circulation and promoting lymph flow/drainage. It also promotes your immune system and soothes your nervous system.

  • Mindful showering

  • Moving your energy 2 times per day for 30min with gentle activity such as walking or cycling

  • Exercising 2 to 3 times a week

  • Healthy food (see food section below)


Sport provides the indispensable ingredients to support your wellbeing and fertility: it reduces the levels of stress, provides energy, increases the blood flow and maintains body weight.

Our body has different needs depending on the various phases of our cycles.

Tips to sports following your cycles' needs:

  • Menstrual: Rest is key. Pamper yourself. Focus on yin, hatha or kundalini yoga and opt for meditative walks through nature rather than pushing yourself.

  • Follicular: Your energy is building up. You can progressively increase the intensity of your workout and do things like hiking, light runs, or more flow-based yoga that works up a sweat.

  • Ovulation: Your testosterone and estrogen are peaking, maximizing your potential. Try exercises such as high-intensity interval workouts or a spin class.

  • Luteal: During this time, progesterone is on the rise as testosterone and estrogen deplete. Opt for strength training, Pilates, and more intense versions of yoga flows


As our hormones fluctuate throughout the cycle, Holistic Health Counsellor and Dietician Alissa Viti, founder of the FLO Hormonal Center in the US, has developed the concept of synching our cycles with food.

The concept is simple: the different hormonal phases can be either supported or put out of balance thanks to the food we eat and our lifestyle.

Cycle Synching: Matching your food with your menstrual cycle

If you want to read more about, you you can find all the details of ALISSA VITTI’s approach and supporting supplement on

If you want to get coached, you can also get supported by Lavinia Frantzen, a great hormonal food coach in the Netherlands at

4.Holistic Therapies - Energy Healing, Coaching, Chinese Medicine , Fertility Massage and Family Constellations.

Everything in us is interconnected. Our body, mind, emotions & energy field.

We are the sum of our experiences, beliefs, education, culture and interactions with others.

We are an ecosystem.

Holistic therapies go beyond the physical body and its symptoms and support us by taking into account our lifestyle, environment, history, trauma, energy level etc.

They are a great complement to traditional medicine or if you want to take care of yourself in a non-invasive way.

The list of alternative therapies below has proven efficient in helping people conceive, have healthy and successful pregnancies when western medicine had no solutions or explanations.

They can also be a great help in preparing from pregnancy before trying to conceive, if you want to support your overall health or regulate your cycles, or solve old patterns that you no longer want to experience.

Reiki Healing

A) Energy Healing & Coaching

As a Holistic Therapist practicing Reiki & Coaching, I have witnessed wonderful results in helping my client conceive, recover from miscarriage or navigate their post-partum period.

They loved the 360 approach, where it’s not only about the mind like at the psychologist for instance, but it really helps with your body, your energy and your overall well-being.

Energy healing and coaching allow you to heal yourself, body, soul and mind.

To heal, you first need to become aware of your triggers and wounds from the past, and then you need to process them and let go of them.

With the coaching, I hold a safe space for you where you can share anything, supporting you in expressing your (difficult) emotions. Talking freely and sharing all the things you can’t share with your partner, friends or family is essential.

With energy healing, I help your body and energy field release stuck emotions, stagnant energies or past traumas.

About Reiki

Reiki is an energy healing technique that promotes relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety through gentle touch. Reiki practitioners use their hands to deliver energy to your body, improving the flow and balance of your energy to support healing.

Reiki aids in healing by helping people become energetically balanced — physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Reiki promotes relaxation, stress reduction and symptom relief to improve overall health and well-being. It usually:

  • Brings on a meditative state and mental clarity

  • Brings in depth relaxation

  • Stimulates your body’s immune system.

  • Promotes natural self-healing.

  • Relieves pain and tension.

  • Support the well-being of people receiving traditional medical treatments

Studies show that reiki treatment may create feelings of:

  • Peace

  • Relaxation

  • Security

  • Wellness

B) Chinese Medicine

Chinese medicine is a medical system that has been used for thousands of years to prevent, diagnose, and treat disease. It is based on the belief that chi (the body's vital energy) flows along meridians (channels) in the body and keeps a person's spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical health in balance.

It believes that illness or disease begins with the disruption of chi.

The main difference with western medicine is that Chinese Medicine focuses on prevention and cure, looks at the person holistically and takes into account their external environment and energy field, while western medicine focuses on curing only, has a targeted approach, only considers the body & mind.

Chinese medicine is based on 5 pillars:

  • Acupuncture

  • Herbal Medicine

  • Tui na massage

  • Food cures

  • Movement with Qi Gong & Tai Chi

A Chinese doctor can support you in your fertility journey or in regulating your cycles with great results.

If you live in Amsterdam, here are the 2 Chinese Medicine Practices I recommend

C) Fertility Massage

Clare Spink created the Fertility Massage Therapy in the UK.

Fertility Massage Therapy is a deep; yet gentle, non invasive abdominal and sacral therapy that focuses on improving circulation to the abdominal organs, with an aim to improve blood, nerve and lymph flow.

The massage also focuses on releasing physical and emotional tension, helping to loosen harden debris (that has been accumulating in your gut for years) encouraging a natural movement and clearing both physical and emotional congestion, leaving you and your abdomen feeling lighter and freer.

Why Focus on Reproductive, Digestive & Lower Back?

Our abdominal cavity is serviced by the same neural pathways, connecting the organs, muscles and connective tissue of the reproductive and digestive systems along with the lower back muscles. If one organ or muscle is misaligned, blocked or damaged by scar tissue – all the others will be disrupted, and can, in turn, send the whole body into disarray.

It is important to note that 80% of our immune system lives within our digestive tract, immunity, digestion and fertility are closely linked. Therefore it is important to massage and treat the whole torso area, aiming to achieve Homeostasis!

What bodywork techniques are included?

  • Abdominal Sacral Massage

  • Pulsing

  • Reflexology

  • Acupressure

  • Trigger Point Therapy

  • Castor Oil Packs

  • Flower Remedies

  • Rebozo Technique

  • Reiki/Healing – Guided Visualisations

You can find the list of accredited therapists on her website at

D) Family Constellations

Family constellations is a therapeutic approach designed to help reveal the hidden dynamics in a family or relationship in order to address any stressors impacting these relationships and heal them.

This alternative approach may help people seeking treatment view their concerns from a different perspective, and therapists may offer the family constellations approach as a treatment for issues proving difficult to treat with traditional therapy.

This alternative approach was developed by German psychotherapist Bert Hellinger in the mid-1990s. Family constellations therapy evolved out of his work as a family therapist and his belief in the energy, both positive and negative, found in familial bonds. Nearly 50 years of studying and treating families led to his observation of patterns of mental health concerns, illness, negative emotions, and potentially destructive behaviors within families, and he suggested individuals might unconsciously "adopt" these concerns as a way of helping other members to cope.

Family constellations work is considered most effective in addressing concerns that are systemic in nature. These concerns might include family of origin issues, parent-child relationship difficulties, and intimate relationship challenges.

It may be used as a potential therapy method for people who:

  • Are seeking to address negative or harmful relationship patterns

  • Want to be in a romantic relationship

  • Are attempting to resolve family entanglements

  • Want to overcome inner turmoil

  • Have experienced significant trauma or loss

  • Are in search of personal and professional success


Women Code, Alisa Viti

Taking charge of your fertility, Toni Weschler

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