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Improving male fertility & sperm quality naturally

Updated: Mar 22, 2022

If you and your partner are experiencing fertility issues, know that you’re not alone. Infertility is more common than we think but is wildly kept silent.

It affects about one in every six couples.

This article helps you answer the following questions:

What is male infertility and where does it come from ?

What are the known causes of male infertility?

What can you do to improve male fertility at home but also with the help of holistic therapists ?

What is male infertility ?

The traditional definition states that a couple is considered as having fertility issues when they have been unable to conceive naturally after 12 month.

30% of the infertility journeys are due to the women, 30% to the men, 20% are combined between men and women and 20% are unexplained.

Where does male infertility usually come from?

  • Low Sperm Quality

  • Hormonal Disbalance leading to low libido and erectile dysfunction

  • Hereditary factors

  • Past disease such as cancer

Zooming in on Low Sperm quality and hormonal imbalance

Low Sperm Quality:

The quality of the sperm is determined by 3 aspects: Quantity (Volume), Movement (Motricity) and Shape (morphology).

  • Abnormal sperm morphology: Sperm morphology refers to the size, shape and appearance of a man’s sperm. Sperm can be misshaped based on the size of the head, having an extra head, and having no head or tail. It can also have tail malformation like bent tail, coiled-tail, stump-tail and not having the tail attached at the correct location.

  • Low sperm count : Sperm count is considered low if it dips below 15 million sperm per millilitre (mL) of semen, although the average is around 75 million sperm per mL.

  • Low Sperm motility or obstructed way: the ability for the sperm cell to swim, and then to swim at a certain pace. 40% of sperm or more need to be moving for a man to be fertile, and the tubes through which sperm travel need to be cleared.

Hormonal Imbalance

Male fertility is also hormonally driven, requiring a normally functioning hypothalamus and pituitary gland. The LH hormone primarily stimulates testosterone production, while the FSH hormone stimulates the production of sperm.

Stress, lifestyle, diet and sleep influence our hormonal system.

The most common hormonal imbalance in men is having low Testosterone.

Low testosterone will often cause fatigue, low libido or erectile dysfunction, and will also influence the sperm quality.

A lot of time, hormonal imbalance comes from poor guts health. Many of us have food intolerance we are not aware of,

or some light form of leaky guts. Taking high quality probiotics will help support your digestive flora and its impermeability.

What can you do to improve male fertility naturally

1. Eat well

You are what you eat — and so are your sperm !

Food can be your everyday ally in supporting your body’s needs.

Prioritise fresh ingredients, lean meat and whole food.

Avoid junk food & processed food as much as possible, (fried & deep-fried food, processed meats, white flour carbs, dairy products, sweets, snacks, and pizza)

People eating a “Western” diet — consisting of processed meats, grains, dairy, sweets and sugar, snacks, and pizza — are especially affected when it comes to sperm motility in comparison to those who eat a diet higher in chicken, fish, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

Go light on the processed stuff, stay. away from sugar and eat more lean meats and whole foods.

Try some of these foods and vitamins for a sperm boost:

-Vitamin B-12. This potent vitamin is found in meat, fish, and dairy. It has all sorts of positive effects throughout your body. Among other things, vitamin B-12 protects your sperm from inflammation and oxidative stress caused by harmful free radicals in your body.

-Vitamin C. Eating more oranges, berries, potatoes, tomatoes, and spinach can all contribute to a higher sperm count. In some cases, it can even double it after a couple months.

-Nuts. Nuts have long been associated with benefitting sexual health, and the evidence keeps piling on. A 2018 study of 119 men found that a diet high in almonds, walnuts, and hazelnuts over a 14-week period increased sperm count by up to 16 percent.

-Lycopene. Lycopene gives foods like tomatoes and watermelons their rich red color. It can reduce reactive oxygen species (ROS) in your body, too. ROS can damage DNA and hurt sperm. Taking 4 to 8 milligrams (mg) of lycopene a day was found to improve sperm count and motility.

2. Move your body everyday

Get at least 30min of body movement and low key activity such as walking every day.

Stretch, do yoga !

Hit the gym 2 to 3 times a week, combining cardio and weight lifting exercises.

Weight lifting is particularly good to boost testosterone production.

3. Alcohol & Caffeine in moderation

Moderation is the keyword here !

Enjoy one or 2 coffees a day and 4 glasses of alcohol a week.

Avoid drinking beer as hope increase estrogenes which lowers testosterone.

4. Take supplements

If you’re not big on supplements and only want to take a few, then go for Vitamin D (especially if you live in a country with moderate sun), Omega 3, folic acid/vitamin B9.

Many brands have all in one supplement, which combine several components, like Androbiane Conception Homme from Pileje.

Sperm quality: Vitamins C, E, and D, in combination with zinc, folate, and L-arginine, help fight the effect of stress and improve sperm quality, increasing the likelihood of a successful and healthy pregnancy.

Sperm count: Vitamin B12, together with CoQ10, shilajit, L-taurine amino acid, and zinc, increases your sperm count and chances of conception.

Sperm Motricity : Add N-acetyl cysteine to the mix, and you may have sperm that swim faster and more effectively.

5. Avoid Hot Bath, Jacuzzi, Sauna

Testicle temperature is meant to be 2 to 4 degrees lower than body temperature.

Testicles act like a temperature regulator, hanging lower or retracting based on the environment.

Overheating or a too warm environment has a direct impact on sperm count and motricity, lowering them down significantly.

6. Keep cellphone and laptop away from your testicles

Don’t keep your phone in your pocket or your laptop on your lap!

Really try to limit direct exposure from those devices.


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